What Happens To The Things Nobody Remembers?

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MissDantil's avatar

So, before I start, school's started, so I'm always superbusy and supertired. DDD: But I think I'll make another journal for that. Brain can't form coherent thoughts...So instead, you get a survey-journal! Yaaaaaaay!

1)Full Name:
Juuu. Just Juuu. Like Madonna.

2) Male/Female:
Female, last time I checked.

3) Were you named after anyone?
I can't remember? I was gonna be named after my great grandma or something? Oh, and if I were a boy, I would've been named after whoever won the Nascar race my parents watched before I jumped out of my mom's vag! :D

4) Does your name mean anything?

5) Nick Names:
Juuu, Dantil, Ju-ju Bean, HOOOLIANAAAA, Serena, a thousand different pronunciations of my full first name,

6) What do you think you look like?
A scrawny geek.

7) Date of Birth:
February 14th. You'd think I'd have a better love life, right?

8) Place of Birth and Current Location:
I was born in the Moon Kingdom, but I've been reincarnated down to Earth. :] But now I'm lost. :<

9) Nationality:
I am a mixing pot of a thousand different things, so idk. Moon Kingdom-ese?

10) Astrology Sign:

11) Chinese Astrology:
COCK HHAHAHAHA. But yeah, the Rooster.

12) Religion:
I kind of have my own little set of beliefs, so we're calling it Dantilism for now.

13) What's your favorite smell?
The ink from the pages of a brand-new manga. <3333 Or just a new-book smell in general!

14) Political Position:

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
OH-JAYYYY. <3 I will fight colds! D<

16) Hair + eye color:
Blondish hair, blue eyes.

17) Do you look like anyone famous?
Everyone says Devon Sawa is my long lost brother, sooo..Devon Sawa with a sex change I guess?

18) What do you look like?
Average height, weird off-blonde hair, band skin, blue eyes that I think are actually quite pretty, and a mini pot-belly. And braces. :3 Basically, not something you wanna look at every day.

19) Any unusual talents?
I don't think so. Well, I can para para dance??

20) Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?

21) Gay, straight, bi, or other?

22) What do you do for a living?
I geek out.

23) What do you do for fun?
I write and draw, I play a helluva lot of video games, I read, watch movies and anime, and I act. Basically, I do whatever. :]

24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?
I think it'd be fun to splatter paint everywhere?? Idk. Charcoal seems fun, too.

26) Have you met your grandparents?
Mostly. I never got to meet my grandpa on my mom's side.

27) Boyfriend/girlfriend?
I quit.

28) Crush?

29) What celebrity would you date if you could?
Kris Lemche. <333 Dayyummm. I'd even settle for Kett Turton.

30) Current worries?
Not being able to handle my huge workload, letting someone pass me by, wasting too much time and regretting it later....

31) Favorite online guy/girl:
Like e-scene people? Zui Suicide! Des and Nate are funny too. =p

32) Favorite place to be?
On stage. <3 Oh, and Kinokuniya or Book Off in NYC! I could stay at one of those places FOREVER! But generally speaking, anywhere as long as I'm having a good time.

33) Least favorite place to be?
The dentist! D:

34) Do you burn or tan?

35) Ever break a bone?

36) What is your favorite cereal?
Strawberry Mini-Wheats. <3

37) Person you cry with:
My sis-face, prolly. But in general, I don't like to cry in public, unless it's acting.

38) Any sisters:

39) Any brothers:
Noooo. o:

40) Any pets:
Not anymoar. D:

41) An illness:
I have SWINE!!

42) A Pager:
Those still exist?

43) A personal phone line:
I got my cell.

44) Cell phone:
I never use it but yeah. XD

45) A visible birthmark:
I don't think so?

46) A pool or hot tub?
Poooool! Butt-Battle time!!!

47) A car:

Describe your...

48) Personality:
Snarky, sort of bitchy on a bad day, perfectionist, tendancy to over-react, dramatic, timid, fun once you get to know me [I hope], super-geeky, open minded.

49) Driving:
I drive like a grandma.

50) Your clothing style:
Whatever I feel like wearing that day. Sometimes it's geeky and weird, sometimes it's prep-school cute, sometimes it's just sweats. Whatevs.

51) Room:
Plain. All I do is sleep in there! And put on makeup. My closet is COVERED in drama stuff though, and my door has a lot of pictures on it. :]

52) What's missing?:
My sisface being within regular-chilling-distance, and my Precious Thing. </3

53) School:
Is super-stressful, but at least I have drama. <3

54) Bed:
Warm and toasty and nice. <3

55) Relationship with your parents:
Generally, it's pretty good. We bicker at times, but on average it's good.

56) Do you believe in yourself?
In general, no. But some people bring out the worst in me so sometimes I do.

57) Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in lust at first sight, or admiration at first sight.

58) Consider yourself a good listener?
Yes, I do. I at least try to be. :]

59) Have a future dream you would like to share?
Go to New York, be able to make a living off acting, and pick up cute guys at Kinokuniya, Book Off, and Central Park!!!
Also, star in a Sailor Moon musical. <3

60) Get along with your parents?
Didn't you already ask me this? Generally, yes, I do.

61) Save your email conversations?
Yeah, because I have a shitton of space. XD

62) Pray:
On occaision. I believe in the Pop'n God. <3

63) Believe in reincarnation?
I don't think so.

64) Brush your teeth twice a day?
At least, usually more. Braces are such a pain! >_<

65) Like to talk on the phone?
Eh, depends on who it is and the situation. I prefer AIM or talking in real life.

66) Like to eat?

67) Like to exercise?
Yeah! Finding time is hard though. >_<

68) Like to watch sports?
Sometimes. Tennis and Hockey are okay.

69) Sing in the car?
Nope. Maybe when I have my own car I will.

70) What is a dream you have all the time?
I don't remember a dream I've had more than once. ._. I barely remember my dreams ever.

71) Dream in color?

72) Do you have nightmares?
I don't think I've had one in a while...

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal?
Yes, I love cute things. <3 I have a Starfy plush. <33

74) Right next to you?
Audition pieces for the play, and homework.

75) On your favorite coffee cup?
MAMEGOMAS!!!! It's a little plastic mug. xD

76) On your mousepad?
The little symbol of my old Elementary School.

77) Your favorite flavor of gum?
Regular bubblegum. I miss it. ;o;

78) Your brand of deodorant:
I honestly don't pay attention. xD Whatever smells good?

79) Your dream honeymoon spot:
I doubt I'll ever have one, but hey, what the hell, right? New York, to see some Broadway shows and walk in Central Park while being cute. Or maybe Japan to go on a whirlwind geek tour of Akihabara if the hubby's a nerd.

80) Your dream husband/wife:
Someone who looks like Kris Lemche. ;p Kidding. Um, someone who understands and respects me and my dreams in life; understands that I may need to make out with other people on stage/screen and will trust that I'm not being unfaithful. Someone who can be my best friend and boyfriend all in one. Shares some common ground with me, but is open minded enough to always try new things to keep our relationship exciting. Not a cheater. Won't care that he has a plain, geeky girl for a wife. Yeahhh. Not gonna happen, I know. You said "Dream".

81) Hiding in your closet?
The passageway to the FBBLT!!!

82) Under your bed?
My floor.

83) The name of one of your closest best friends:
Sisface Halie. <3 Well, since a SISTER is on a totally different level than a friend, my best friend is Abbie.

84) Your bad time of the day?
When I get a brain-ache from working too hard, or when I think too much.

85) Your worst fears?
Being alone, dying with regrets, and not being able to live the life I want.

86) What's the weather like?
Transitioning from Summer to Fall. Not too warm and not too cold!

87) Your favorite time of the year?
The Holidays.

88) Your favorite holiday?
YOUMACON!!! Yes, it's a holiday to me. But calender holidays? Christmas.

89) A material weakness?
Books and Video Games...>3<

90) The weirdest food and drink you like:
This Japanese sports drink named Pocari Sweat. It tastes like sprite, actually, just not as fizzy. xD! And sushi. Idk, I don't eat weird stuff. ._.

91) At the top of your to-do list:
Study Political Science and pick a part to audition for.

92) The hardest thing about growing up:
Learning the truths of how the world works and getting a lot of your dreams crushed by it.

93) A pet peeve?
Liars, and people who talk shit before getting to know someone.

94) Your scariest moment:
Playing Fatal Frame III at some outrageous hour of morning and running SMACK. FAWKING. DAB. into the Pider Woman! [crawling woman]. Seriously, I hit her in the face.

Also, crushing on someone you shouldn't be.

95) Your attitude about love:
I believe there's many kinds of love. Family love, sibling love, loving a material posession, friend love, ect. But romantic love? I don't know if I believe in it. I think it's an excuse to hurt people for your own personal gain. It's like a mental illness-you do crazy stuff you wouldn't normally do if you were thinking clearly. If it really exists, I guess there's a few people I'd like to get it.

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you have done to attract someone of the opposite sex:
I don't think I've done anything funny/desperate to attract the opposite sex...xDDD I guess I've had free hug signs?

97) The worst feeling in the world:
Realizing that your Precious Thing's been stolen and not knowing how to get it back. Also, seeing one of your best friends having a problem, and having no idea in the world how you can fix it.

98) The best feeling in the world:
Getting/doing/seeing someone or something you've wanted for a long, long time. Also, accomplishment!

99) Who sent this to you?
I actually stole this from Abbie. :3

100) 6 People you tag:
I'm not into that stuff. D; Whoever wants to do it can do it.
© 2009 - 2024 MissDantil
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xxbridg3tt3's avatar
<3 you know, i was thinking the other day about how it takes about 1-2 years to get to know someone for real. and when i read this, i was really happy to have already known some of these things. it made me feel like i actually know you. like, maybe i can call you a serious best friend. someone i can count on. and who can count on me. it makes me feel awesome. :3 i want to take another epic road trip with you so we can stay up and talk like gossiping little girls and travel through unknown waters on our fantastical jet skis. <3
i know that soon you wont have to worry about school work. so thatll be one thing off the list. but i think that the other two worries are something i cant very well help with. but let me know if there is something i can do. im always here to help. always. through thick and thin. even juliana thin things. which is very thin. we might have to just feed those situations some friday night italian bar foods. ;3